What is sustainable AI and where do we stand regarding the sustainability of AI? We are exploring this question in our project „SustAIn: The Sustainability Index for Artificial Intelligence“. As an interdisciplinary team from AlgorithmWatch, the Institute for Ecological Economy Research and the DAI Lab at TU Berlin we are analysing how to define and implement sustainable AI.The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) as part of the funding initiative “AI lighthouse projects for the environment, climate, nature and resources“.
The Sustainability Index for Artificial Intelligence
Project information:
Project name:
„SustAIn: The sustainability index for Artificial Intelligence“
Duration of the project:
November 2020 until October 2023
Funding reference:
Funding initiative:
AI lighthouse projects for the environment, climate, nature and resources
Funding priority:
Application orientated & foundational
Aims & Content:
Sustainable Development of AI
Project partners
AlgorithmWatch is a non-profit research and advocacy organization whose aim is to monitor and analyze automated decision-making (ADM) systems and their impact on society. One pillar of our work is addressing ADM systems and sustainability.
Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW)
IÖW is a leading scientific institute in the field of practice-oriented sustainability research. We devise strategies and approaches for viable, long-term economic activity – for an economy which enables a good life and preserves natural resources. We have been dealing with issues of the future for more than 30 years, consistently finding new and frequently unusual answers.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
The DAI-Labor at the Technical University of Berlin views itself as a mediator between university-driven research and industrial applications. With our interdisciplinary team, we create innovations and translate university research into applications for everyday life in close cooperation with other scientific and industrial institutions.
Scientific Publications
Sustainability Criteria for AI
Development of a set of criteria and indicators for the sustainability assessment of AI systems along their life cycle.
Sustainable AI and digital self-determination
It is almost impossible for end users to use AI systems sustainably. There is a lack of basic sustainability information, especially on the ecological impact of AI. This prevents a digitally self-determined use of AI systems.
Guest Contribution „Plattform Lernende Systeme“
Shaping Sustainable Change with AI – On the Strategic Link between Artificial Intelligence and Sustainability Goals.
Further informations